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Пользователь Сообщение: Wargame : Red Dragon        (Тема#78710)
С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
22.03.14 00:04 Czech Republic #1716546

Пока что игра в стадии бэты.
Кто желает играть вместе, пишите тут.

Если есть вопросы по игре, можете задавать их тут.

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не специалист по СЮБ
Возраст: 29
: Минск
С нами с 05.09.11
Посты: 2373
25.03.14 00:22 [Re: Ferdinand_Amadeus] Belarus #1718076
Зачем нам покупать нанотехнологии?... когда можно взять еще крокодилов, да побольше!!! побольше!!!
Возраст: 30
: Электросталь
С нами с 07.03.11
Посты: 8141
25.03.14 00:48 [Re: rPoXoTauJIo] Russian Federation #1718087
Оно ж попадать никуда не будет.

и с 4 ракетами - это мощно. Нары конечно хорошо, но все-таки противотанковый верт.
не специалист по СЮБ
Возраст: 29
: Минск
С нами с 05.09.11
Посты: 2373
25.03.14 12:02 [Re: izoiva] Belarus #1718219
Зато их можно взять еще больше!!!!111
Для HEAT оружия которое не пробивает абсолютно не важна броня. Оно всегда снимает 1 ХП.
Монжо банально пустить 20-30 ракет по танку с броней 20 и он умрет. Нанотехнологии не нужны!

Отредактировано rPoXoTauJIo 25.03.14 12:02. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
Возраст: 30
: Электросталь
С нами с 07.03.11
Посты: 8141
25.03.14 14:34 [Re: rPoXoTauJIo] Russian Federation #1718298
РЕАЛИСТИЧНЫЕ нанотехнологии!
Возраст: 30
: Электросталь
С нами с 07.03.11
Посты: 8141
25.03.14 15:27 [Re: izoiva] Russian Federation #1718344
Еще технологий!

С нами с 18.09.09
Посты: 5853
25.03.14 16:49 [Re: izoiva] Ukraine #1718396
Грох за штурвалом
не специалист по СЮБ
Возраст: 29
: Минск
С нами с 05.09.11
Посты: 2373
30.03.14 12:37 [Re: w0lf3k] Belarus #1720565
Немного баланса не помешает© Eugen™
По французской версии, G11+ немецкая тренировка=терминатор.

Ну и отступные полякам.

Отредактировано rPoXoTauJIo 30.03.14 12:39. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
30.03.14 18:32 [Re: rPoXoTauJIo] Czech Republic #1720739
Таки да...

"— Алло! Отдел кадров? Здравствуйте. Моя фамилия — Рабинович. Вам нужны такие специалисты?" (с)

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не специалист по СЮБ
Возраст: 29
: Минск
С нами с 05.09.11
Посты: 2373
02.04.14 10:43 [Re: Ferdinand_Amadeus] Belarus #1721995
Wow dat kills
Much rage!
не специалист по СЮБ
Возраст: 29
: Минск
С нами с 05.09.11
Посты: 2373
14.04.14 23:12 [Re: rPoXoTauJIo] Europe #1728021
4 дня до релиза. Баланс кораблей..
Wow Eugen. Much beta.
добрый зерг
Возраст: 40
С нами с 24.11.07
Посты: 1387
15.04.14 10:49 [Re: rPoXoTauJIo] Ukraine #1728159
Возраст: 30
: Электросталь
С нами с 07.03.11
Посты: 8141
15.04.14 12:22 [Re: therionn] Russian Federation #1728195
Опять там советский флот без авиации будет решать флот янки?
С нами с 18.09.09
Посты: 5853
15.04.14 12:25 [Re: izoiva] Ukraine #1728197
Как всегда будет решать спам и тимплей
не специалист по СЮБ
Возраст: 29
: Минск
С нами с 05.09.11
Посты: 2373
01.05.14 03:08 [Re: w0lf3k] Belarus #1734074
1. До огня
2. Огонь NATO
3. Наш контр-огонь

Отредактировано rPoXoTauJIo 01.05.14 03:12. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
22.05.14 23:57 [Re: rPoXoTauJIo] Czech Republic #1743284
Реплей с рандомами.
Возраст: 32
С нами с 04.08.09
Посты: 1806
29.07.14 16:37 [Re: Ferdinand_Amadeus] Ukraine #1769422
Даже не знал, что тут есть такой форум
Классная серия, играл в ЕЕ и АБ (пиратки), теперь хотел бы попробовать РД (тоже пиратку), перепробовал все версии с ех.ua и fs.to...но каждый раз с игрой возникали какие-то проблемы...можете дать ссылочку на рабочую пиратскую версию? Буду очень благодарен
Возраст: 30
: Электросталь
С нами с 07.03.11
Посты: 8141
30.07.14 14:26 [Re: TryZon] Russian Federation #1769727
тут народ играет в стимовскую версию.
С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
31.07.14 21:55 [Re: TryZon] Czech Republic #1770257
  • TryZon :
Даже не знал, что тут есть такой форум
Классная серия, в ЕЕ и АБ (пиратки), теперь хотел бы попробовать РД (тоже пиратку), перепробовал все версии с ех.ua и fs.to...но каждый раз с игрой возникали какие-то проблемы...можете дать ссылочку на рабочую пиратскую версию? Буду очень благодарен

Купи лучше, намного интереснее, с ботами скучно.
Возраст: 32
С нами с 04.08.09
Посты: 1806
01.08.14 00:04 [Re: Ferdinand_Amadeus] Ukraine #1770312
Не особо весело, не спорю...но покупать игру, которая на моем старом компе наверняка будет тормозить даже при игре 2х2 (Пробовал перестрелку 2х2 в АБ, так тормозило серьезно)? А так, бесплатно поиграть, и с ботами можно
добрый зерг
Возраст: 40
С нами с 24.11.07
Посты: 1387
03.08.14 12:03 [Re: TryZon] Ukraine #1771258
Полностью согласен. Боты - не то.
Возраст: 43
С нами с 01.11.08
Посты: 4465
04.08.14 09:32 [Re: therionn] Ukraine #1771522
Да и стоимость у такой игры смешная, точно не помню или 7 долларов или 9 заплатил.
Возраст: 32
С нами с 04.08.09
Посты: 1806
04.08.14 12:08 [Re: drc-dimmon] Ukraine #1771577
на стиме 14.99$
Дело не в цене, а возможности нормально в нее играть, зачем мне покупать игру, которая в мультиплеере будет тормозить? Уж лучше просто побаловаться с ботами пару недель за бесплатно и удалить когда надоест
Евлампий Петрович 
Евлампий Петрович
: Zhytomyr
С нами с 22.07.11
Посты: 7529
04.08.14 12:17 [Re: TryZon] Ukraine #1771579
на тапочках є і репаки, і гра з таблетками.
в мене траблів не було.
Возраст: 32
С нами с 04.08.09
Посты: 1806
04.08.14 18:38 [Re: Евлампий Петрович] Ukraine #1771758
Можно подробнее, что за тапки?
Дайте ссылку на ту версию, которую скачивали и которая нормально работает
Евлампий Петрович 
Евлампий Петрович
: Zhytomyr
С нами с 22.07.11
Посты: 7529
04.08.14 18:55 [Re: TryZon] Ukraine #1771768
Wargame Trilogy (RUS|ENG|MULTI) [RePack] от R.G. Механики

Wargame: Red Dragon (Focus Home Interactive) (MULTi8|RUS|ENG) [L]
з таблеткою від CODEX
С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
05.08.14 08:36 [Re: Евлампий Петрович] Czech Republic #1771922
Эти раздачи уже не актуальны, на Красный Дракон недавно вышло бесплатное ДЛС которое добавило новые юниты и баланс танков, так что не вижу смысла качать с торрента.
Возраст: 32
С нами с 04.08.09
Посты: 1806
06.08.14 15:22 [Re: Ferdinand_Amadeus] Ukraine #1772509
Есть DLC в виде отдельного патча/дополнения? Или версия игры с DLC на торрентах?
Возраст: 32
С нами с 04.08.09
Посты: 1806
06.08.14 15:24 [Re: Евлампий Петрович] Ukraine #1772510
  • Евлампий Петрович :
Wargame Trilogy (RUS|ENG|MULTI) [RePack] от R.G. Механики

Wargame: Red Dragon (Focus Home Interactive) (MULTi8|RUS|ENG) [L]
з таблеткою від CODEX

А Вы на этом сайте зарегистрированы? Можете выложить сюда торрент-файлы? Потому-что регистрация на сайте возможна только по инвайтам (как написано на странице регистрации)
Возраст: 30
: Электросталь
С нами с 07.03.11
Посты: 8141
08.08.14 15:29 [Re: TryZon] Russian Federation #1773272
На тапочках регистрация без инвайтов уже давно.
Возраст: 32
С нами с 04.08.09
Посты: 1806
08.08.14 16:34 [Re: izoiva] Ukraine #1773299
Тогда что нужно вводить в поле "Код инвайта"?

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С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
11.08.14 00:38 [Re: TryZon] Czech Republic #1773904
  • TryZon :
Есть DLC в виде отдельного патча/дополнения? Или версия игры с DLC на торрентах?

Нет, не думаю что каждый патч (которые выходят время от времени) сразу адаптируют под пиратку и кидают на торрент.
А вот собственно изменения -

(Спойлер глючит)

  • цитата:

DECKS wrote:
- Deck Specialization bonus are now :
+1XP Infantry, Recon and Vehicles
-1AP Infantry, Recon and Vehicles
+2 Slots Infantry, Recon and Vehicles

+2XP Tanks
-1AP Tanks
+4 Slots Tanks

+1XP Infantry and Vehicles
-1AP Infantry and Vehicles
+4 Slots Infantry and Vehicles

+1XP Support
-1AP Logistic and Support
+4 Slots Logistic and Support

+1XP Infantry and Planes
-1AP Infantry and Planes
+2 Slots Infantry and Planes
+3 Slots Naval

+1XP Infantry, Helo and Planes
-1AP Infantry, Helo and Planes
+4 Slots Infantry, Helo and Planes

National/Coalition bonuses are now :
USA 10%
UK 20%
FR 20%
BRD 20%
CAN 40%
DAN 50%
SWE 40%
NOR 50%
JAP 30%
ROK 30%


DDR 20%
URSS 10%
POL 20%
CSSR 30%
CHI 30%
NK 40%

NSWP 15%

- Mixed decks now have 50 activation points, coalitions have 55 and national decks remain with 60.

- Norwegian Marines '85 deck was accidentally available and was removed.

GENERIC wrote:
- Veterancy damage output multiplier on infantry removed.
- Infantry AT weapon aim time reduced in order to increase their effectiveness against vehicles in forests.
- Moral treshhold changed from 0.2 / 0.4 / 0.6 to 0.25 / 0.5 / 0.75 of the maximum supression making units globaly harder to supress.
- Effect of moral on accuracy changed from -33%,-50%,-60% to -20%,-40%,-60%
- Effect of moral on aim and reload changed from 133%,200%,400% to 133%,200%,300%
- Interceptors aim time increased from 0.4sec to 2sec.
- Interceptors firing angle reduced from 30° to 10°.
- Tanks autonomy and fuel tank capacity modified to take into account external and add-on storage. (1 point of supply = 6L of fuel).
- Tanks with autoloaders do no suffer from reloading time penalty when stressed. Their ammunition level in game is the ammount of shells in the ready rack IRL.
- Tanks without autoloaders amunition level corrected. The ingame value is the average value between ready rack and total amount of shells carried.
- Tanks without stabilizer cannot fire on the move anymore. You recognize them to the [STAT] trait on their gun
- Number of cards of transports set to 3, 2 for prototypes and some exception to make more specialized decks available.
- Autocanons with AP power noise increased to better represent the fact that shooting multiple times makes you easier to spot.
- Autocanons with AP power tunned to better represent their real RoF. The fire in short burst and each burst represents 2 gameplay shots for single barrels and 4 shots for twin barrels.
- Accuracy of autocanons with downgraded RoF increased to keep the average effectiveness similar to what it used to be.

- Soviet Ka-50 & Ka-52's Igla replaced with Igla-V, with range extended from 2450m to 2625m.

- BLUFOR M60 (all variants) machine-gun’s RoF increased from 198 to 234 rpm.

- E-German Mi-25 & Mi-35 variants renamed Mi-24D & Mi-24P respectively.
- CSSR ShM120 PRAM-S renamed ShM vz.85 PRAM-S.

- Correcting some Japanese misspelling.

LOG wrote:
- Supply trucks with carrying 500pts of supply availability increased from 12 to 14
- Supply trucks with carrying 800pts of supply availability increased from 8 to 10
- Supply trucks with carrying 1100pts of supply availability increased from 6 to 8
- Supply trucks with carrying 1700pts of supply availability increased from 4 to 6
- Supply trucks with carrying 2400pts of supply availability increased from 3 to 5

- REDFOR supply Mi-8 price reduced from 50$ to 45$
- Soviet T-80UK autonomy reduced to 450km
- Soviet T-80UK price reduced from 180$ to 175$

- Japanese HMV re-roled as command jeep under the name Hayate.
- British Chinook HC.1 price reduced from 50$ to 45$

RECON wrote:
- REDFORPT-76B autonomy reduced from 500km to 260km
- REDFOR PT-76B main gun loadout increased from 25 to 28
- Chinese ZTQ-62 series fuel tank capacity increased from 250L to 960L
- Soviet PT-71, PT-85 and PT-90 have an autoloader with a ready rack of 15 shells
- Soviet PT-71, PT-85 and PT-90 RoF increased to 12RpM
- Soviet BRM-1 series RoF reduced from 10RpM to 9RpM
- Soviet BRM-1 series have an autoloader with a ready rack of 20 shells

- American SEALs’ Hawk MM1 now fires 50% more ammo per salvo, but 25% slower.
- American Mountaineers re-roled as Cavalry Scouts (regulars), set as a 5-men regular recon squad (1985), with M16 & Dragon II (no MG), available in all decks but Marines.
- American Cavalry Scouts price set at 20$ & availability at 8/2.
- American M551 ACAV price reduced from 40$ to 35$
- American M551A1 TTS price reduced from 55$ to 50$
- French ERC-90 Sagaie main gun loadout increased from 15 to 20
- Danish M41A1 main gun loadout reduced from 50 to 38
- Danish M41A1-DK1 main gun loadout reduced from 50 to 38

- Number of men in reserve squadsreduced from 15 to 10 except for scandinavian countries.

- Soviet Spetsnaz's AKSU replaced with suppressed AS Val.
- E-German FJB-40 now use Strela 3 missiles
- E-German Strela-2 availability fixed from 12 to 16 as other Strela 2

- American Deltas CAR-15 replaced with suppressed MP-5SD.

SUPPORT wrote:
- MLRS supply cost tweaked to take more the power of the rockets and less the range into consideration
- MLRS with HE rockets supression increased
- MLRS with HE slash radius increased by 20%
- MLRS with HE probability to set the ground on fire increased
- MLRS HE increased by 1 for the smallest rockets (BM-21, LARS etc...)
- Napalm MLRS impact damage removed.
- Mortars accuracy differenciated, smaller caliber are more precise
- Mortars dispertion doubled when firing smoke rounds to cover a bigger area
- Mortars RoF increased :
60mm 2sec between shots in salvo of 6, aiming 4sec, time between salvos 4sec
81mm 2sec between shots in salvo of 5, aiming 4sec, time between salvos 4sec
107mm 3sec between shots in salvo of 4, aiming 6sec, time between salvos 6sec
120mm 4sec between shots in salvo of 3, aiming 8sec, time between salvos 8sec
vasilek 0.6sec between shots in salvo of 4, aiming 4sec, time between salvos 4sec
- Howitzer aiming time unified : arty takes 30sec to aim except for units with advanced Fire-control system which aim for only 10sec (CAESAR, AS-90, Paladin, MSTA-S)
- SPAAGs rate of fire globally increased according to their real Rate of fire. Very old AAA like M48 duster or ZSU-57-2 keep a low RoF.
- SPAAGs prices reworked to scale better with their new damage output.
- Very heavy SAM missiles (HAWK, V600, 9M38 etc...) HE set to 9 to let more room for smaller missiles.

- REDFOR barrage arty salvos reduced from around 20 rounds/salvo to 10 r/s that should help new player who tend to forget to stop the salvo whe needed.
- REDFOR 2S3 Akatsiya RoF increased
- REDFOR 2S3 Akatsiya RoF icreased from 15sec between shot to 12sec
- REDFOR 2S3 Akatsiya price reduced from 60$ to 55$
- REDFOR MSTA-s Accuracy increased
- REDFOR 2S1 RoF increased
- REDFOR Pion & Malka RoF increased to the level of M110
- REDFOR MT-LB Strela-10 now available in Airborne decks.
- REDFOR BM-24 HE power reduced from 10 to 8
- REDFOR BM-24 (but Chinese) now use incendiary rockets
- REDFOR BM-21 (but Soviet) price reduced from 80 to 75$
- REDFOR RM-70 (but Polish) price reduced from 120$ to 100$ & availability increased from 2 to 3 per card
- REDFOR ZSU-57-2 HE power increased from 1 to 2
- REDFOR Shilka price increased from 30$ to 35$
- REDFOR Biryusa price increased from 45$ to 50$
- REDFOR Tunguska price increased from 75$ to 80$
- REDFOR 9M331 missile (Tunguska) HE power increased from 4 to 7
- REDFOR 9M331M missile (Tunguska M) HE power increased from 5 to 7
- REDFOR Osa missiles HE power increased from 5/6 to 7
- REDFOR Tor missiles HE power increased from 6 to 7
- REDFOR RM-70 reload time decreased from 240s to 120s.
- CSSR M53/59 Praga HP strength increased from 5 to 10 and price increased from 15$ to 20$
- CSSR STROP 2 price increased from 50$ to 55$
- CSSR ShM vz.85 PRAM-S service date moved from 1982 to 1990.
- CSSR ShM vz.85 PRAM-S price reduced from 50$ to 40$ and availability increased from 8 to 12
- Chinese PGZ-88 price reduced from 50$ to 35$ and base availability increased form 6 to 8
- Chinese thermobaric T63 MLRS ordnance's supply cost increased from 500/salvo to 800/salvo.
- Chinese BM-24 price reduced from 60 to 50$ and availability increased from 4 to 6 per card
- Chinese PHZ-70 price reduced from 80$ to 65$
- Soviet BM-21 with napalm incendiary rockets availability reduced to 2 per card
- Soviet 2S3 Akatsiya availability fixed from 4 to 6 like the E-German version
- Soviet 2S3M Akatsiya availability increased from 3 to 4 and price reduced from 90$ to 75$
- Soviet Igla-N HE power reduced from 6 to 5
- N-Korean Tokchon 152mm price reduced from 60$ to 50$
- N-Korean Tokchon 122mm range increased from 16450 to 23800
- N-Korean Tokchon 122mm direct fire weapon range increased from 1925m to 2275m
- N-Korean Tokchon 122mm price increased from 60$ to 75$ and availability reduced from 6 to 4
- N-Korean Tokchon 130mm range increased from 18550 to 27300 and accuracy increased from 7280 to 6370
- N-Korean Tokchon 130mm direct fire weapon range increased from 1925m to 2275m
- N-Korean Tokchon 130mm price increased from 75$ to 95$ and availability reduced from 4 to 3.
- N-Korean VTT-323 Igla price reduced from 45$ to 40$
- N-Korean Pon'gae-2 price reduced from 80 to 60$ and availability increased from 4 to 6
- Polish RM-70 with incendiary rockets availability set to 1

- American M110 & M110A2 now available in Marine deck.
- American Paladin side armor increased from 1 to 2
- American M163 PIVADS price reduced from 40$ to 35$
- American Chaparral HE power increased from 5 to 6
- Japanese 75 MSSR availability per card increased from 4 to 6
- Japanese M42 AAG HE power increased from 1 to 1.5
- W-German FlakPz. Gepard accuracy increased from 35% to 45%
- W-German FlakPz. Gepard A1 accuracy increased from 45% to 60%
- W-German FlakPz. Gepard A2 accuracy increased from 45% to 65%
- W-German LARS availability per card increased from 4 to 6
- W-German LARS 2 price reduced from 80$ to 70$
- W-German LARS 2 availability per card increased from 3 to 4
- German & French Roland 3 HE power increased from 5 to 6
- French AMX Oeil Noir accuracy reduced from 35% to 30% & price increased from 25$ to 30$
- French AML 60 range increased to 3850m
- French AMX-AuF1 price reduced from 120$ to 110$
- French AMX-13 AU 105mm price reduced from 60$ to 55$
- French & British M270 MLRS price increased from 110$ to 120$
- British AS-90 price increased from 120$ to 130$
- British Abbot price reduced from 70$ to 60$
- British & ANZAC Rapier HE power reduced from 6 to 5
- ANZAC M108 price increased from 50$ to 55$
- S-Korean K136 price increased from 75$ to 80$
- S-Korean K136 availability per card reduced from 4 to 3
- S-Korean KM 107 price reduced from 70$ to 60$
- S-Korean KM 107 availability per pack increased from 4 to 6
- S-Korean KM 263 price reduced from 40$ to 35$
- Swedish Lvkv fm/43 HE power increased from 1 to 1.5
- Swedish VEAK HE power increased from 1 to 1.5
- Canadian ADATS HE power increased from 5 to 7
- Danish SKH M/109A3 fixed to M3 standard : dispersion reduced, price increased from 80$ to 100$, base availability reduced from 4 to 3.

TANKS wrote:
- REDFOR T-34 autonomy reduced from 450km to 400km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 1000L to 550L
- REDFOR T-34 main gun loadout reduced from 40 to 38
- REDFOR T-34 price increased from 10$ to 15$
- REDFOR Su-100 fuel tank capacity increased from 500L to 780L
- REDFOR ASU-85M fuel tank capacity increased from 200L to 580L
- REDFOR PT-76 autonomy reduced from 500km to 260km
- REDFOR T-55 & T-55A autonomy reduced from 700km to 500km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 1360L to 960L
- REDFOR T-72 series autonomy set to 700km and fuel tank capacity set to 1600L
- REDFOR T-72 series RoF increased from 7 to 8 RpM except for early versions ("vanilla "T-72)
- REDFOR T-72accuracy reduced from 40% to 35%
- REDFOR T-72 series have an autoloader with a ready rack of 28 shells or 24 shells and 4 ATGM
- REDFOR T-72S price reduced from 150$ to 135$
- REDFOR T-72accuracy increased from 30% to 40% and accuracy on the move increased from 10% to 20%
- REDFOR T-72A & T-72M accuracy increased from 35% to 45% & accuracy on the move increased from 10% to 30%.
- REDFOR T-55AM and following autonomy reduced from 700km to 480km
- REDFOR ZTZ-59-I autonomy increased from 450km to 600km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 1100L to 960L
- REDFOR ZTZ-59-I main gun loadout increased from 30 to 33
- REDFOR ZTZ-59 & ZTZ-59-I main gun loadout increased from 30 to 33
- REDFOR T-55A main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 32
- REDFOR T-55AM main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 31
- REDFOR T-55AM availability increased to 20 per card
- REDFOR T-55AM2 main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 27
- REDFOR T-55AM2 price reduced from 60$ to 50$
- REDFOR T-55AM2 availability increased to 16 per card
- Chinese ZTS-63-I autonomy reduced from 545km to 370km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 370L to 545L
- Chinese ZTS-63-I main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 28
- Chinese ZTS-63-II autonomy reduced from 545km to 370km
- Chinese ZTS-63-II ATGM loadout increased from 3 to 4.
- Chinese ZTS-63-II can now fire its AGM on the move.
- Chinese ZTS-63-II main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 28
- Chinese ZTS-59-II & ZTS-59-IIA main gun loadout increased from 30 to 33
- Chinese ZTS-59-II & ZTS-59-IIA autonomy reduced from 700km to 600km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 1360L to 960L
- Chinese ZTS-59-II price reduced from 55$ to 45$
- Chinese ZTZ-80-II main gun loadout increased from 30 to 33
- Chinese ZTZ-88 autonomy increased from 450km to 600km and fuel tank capacity increased from 1200L to 1600L
- Chinese ZTZ-85-II & ZTZ-85-IIA autonomy increased from 450km to 900km and fuel tank capacity increased from 1200L to 1600L
- Chinese ZTZ-85-II main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 21
- Chinese ZTZ-85-II price reduced from 75$ to 65$
- Chinese ZTZ-85-IIA & ZTZ-85-III RoF reduced from 10Rpm to 7Rpm
- Chinese ZTZ-85-IIA & ZTZ-85-III have an autoloader with a ready rack of 28 shells
- Chinese ZTZ-85-IIA accuracy increased from 45% to 55% and accuracy on the move reduced from 30% to 20%
- Chinese ZTZ-85-IIA price reduced from 90$ to 80$
- Chinese ZTZ-85-IIA availability increased to 10 per card
- Chinese ZTZ-85-III autonomy increased from 450km to 720km and fuel tank capacity increased from 1200L to 1600L
- Chinese ZTZ-85-III accuracy increased from 55% to 65% and accuracy on the move reduced from 40% to 20%
- Chinese ZTZ-85-II & ZTZ-88 accuracy increased from 40% to 50% and accuracy on the move reduced from 20% to 15%
- Chinese ZTZ-88 main gun loadout increased from 30 to 33
- Chinese ZTZ-88 price reduced from 60$ to 50$
- Chinese ZTZ-88 availability increased to 16 per card
- N-Korean Sinhung main gun loadout increased from 20 to 28
- N-Korean Ch'onma-ho series autonomy reduced from 600km to 550km and fuel tank capacity increased from 1200L to 1360L
- N-Korean Ch'onma-ho main gun loadout increased from 20 to 34
- N-Korean Ch'onma-ho price reduced from 30$ to 25$
- N-Korean Ch'onma-ho II main gun loadout increased from 25 to 34
- N-Korean Ch'onma-ho II availability increased to 20 per card
- N-Korean Ch'onma-ho II price reduced from 50$ to 40$
- N-Korean Ch'onma-ho IV main gun loadout increased from 25 to 34
- N-Korean Ch'onma-ho IV price reduced from 70$ to 65$
- N-Korean Ch'onma-ho IV availability increased to 14 per card
- N-Korean Type 59-I price reduced from 40$ to 35$
- N-Korean Type 59-I availability increased to 20 per card
- N-Korean T-62D price increased from 30$ to 35$
- N-Korean T-72M price increased from 65$ to 70$
- N-Korean T-90S RoF set to 9RpM
- N-Korean T-90S accuracy increased from 50% to 70% and accuracy on the move increased from 40% to 65%
- N-Korean T-90S price increased from 160$ to 175$
- Polish T-55AM Merida accuracy increased from 40% to 50% and accuracy on the move increased from 15% to 10%
- Polish T-55AM Merida availability increased to 20 per card
- Polish T-55AM2 Merida accuracy increased from 45% to 55% and accuracy on the move increased from 25% to 10%
- Polish T-55AM2 Merida price reduced from 60$ to 55$
- Polish T-55AM2 Merida availability increased to 16 per card
- Polish T-72 Wilk RoF set to 9RpM
- Polish T-72 Wilk accuracy increased from 45% to 50% and accuracy on the move reduced from 35% to 30%
- Polish T-72 Wilk price reduced from 100$ to 95$
- Polish PT-76B Desant main gun loadout reduced from 25 to 16
- Soviet PT-85 & PT-90 have an autoloader with a ready rack of 15 shells
- Soviet PT-85 & PT-90 RoF increased to 12RpM
- Soviet PT-85 autonomy reduced from 500km to 300km
- Soviet PT-90 autonomy reduced from 500km to 300km
- Soviet BMP-685 has an autoloader with a ready rack of 22 shells
- Soviet T-55AMV main gun loadout increased from 20 to 27
- Soviet T-55AMV price reduced from 70$ to 60$
- Soviet T-55AMV availability increased to 14 per card
- Soviet T-62 fuel tank capacity fixed from 1000L to 1360L on some versions
- Soviet T-62 main gun loadout increased from 25 to 34
- Soviet T-62 accuracy reduced from from 35% to 30%
- Soviet T-62 obr 1975 main gun loadout increased from 20 to 34
- Soviet T-62 obr 1975 stabilization increased from 5 to 10%.
- Soviet T-62 obr 1975 price increased from 30$ to 40$
- Soviet T-62M & T-62M1 autonomy reduced from 650km to 500km
- Soviet T-62M main gun loadout increased from 20 to 30
- Soviet T-62M price reduced from 65$ to 55$
- Soviet T-62M availability increased to 14 per card
- Soviet T-62M1 main gun loadout increased from 25 to 34
- other Soviet T-62 autonomy increased to 550km except for T-62MV-1 which keeps 650km
- Soviet T-62MV-1 main gun loadout increased from 20 to 30
- Soviet T-62MV-1 ATGM loadout increased from 3 to 4
- Soviet T-62MV-1 price reduced from 80$ to 70$
- Soviet T-62MV-1 availability increased to 12 per card
- Soviet T-62M, T-62M1 & T-62MV-1 accuracy increased from 40% to 50%
- Soviet T-64 series RoF reduced from 10RpM to 9RpM
- Soviet T-64 series have an autoloader with a ready rack of 28 shells or 24 shells and 4 ATGM
- Soviet T-64 series can now fire its AGM on the move.
- Soviet T-64 series fuel tank capacity increased from 1250L to 2040L
- Soviet T-64A & T-64B autonomy increased from 500km to 700km
- Soviet T-64A price reduced from 55$ to 50$
- Soviet T-64A accuracy on the move increased from 10% to 20%
- Soviet T-64B accuracy increased from 40% to 45% and accuracy on the move increased from 15% to 30%
- Soviet T-64B price reduced from 80$ to 75$
- Soviet T-64BM accuracy increased from 40% to 55% and accuracy on the move increased from 15% to 45%
- Soviet T-64BV1 accuracy increased from 45% to 55% and accuracy on the move increased from 20% to 45%
- Soviet T-64BV1 price reduced from 125$ to 120$
- Soviet T-64BV1 availability reduced to 6 per card
- Soviet T-64BV accuracy increased from 45% to 55% and accuracy on the move increased from 20% to 45%
- Soviet T-64BV price reduced from 150$ to 130$
- Soviet T-64BV availability reduced from 6 to 4
- Soviet T-64BM, VB1 & BV autonomy increased from 600km to 680km
- Soviet T-64BMprice reduced from 105$ to 95$
- Soviet T-72M price increased from 55$ to 60$
- Soviet T-72B series accuracy increased from 45% to 50% and accuracy on the move increased from 30% to 40%
- Soviet T-72B price reduced from 120$ to 95$
- Soviet T-72B1 price reduced from 100$ to 90$
- Soviet T-72B1 availability reduced to 8 per card
- Soviet T-72B obr87 price reduced from 150$ to 125$
- Soviet T-72B obr89 price reduced from 170$ to 150$.
- Soviet T-72B obr89 availability reduced from 6 to 4.
- Soviet T-72BU RoF set to 9RpM
- Soviet T-72BU accuracy increased from 50% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 40% to 50%
- Soviet T-72BU can now fire its AGM on the move.
- Soviet T-72BU availability reduced to 2 per card
- Soviet T-80 series fuel tank capacity increased from 2000L to 2040L
- Soviet T-80 series RoF reduced from 10RpM to 9RpM
- Soviet T-80 series can now fire its AGM on the move.
- Soviet T-80 accuracy reduced from 35% to 30% & accuracy on the move reduced from 25% to 10%.
- Soviet T-80B & T-80A accuracy increased from 35% to 50% and accuracy on the move increased from 25% to 35%.
- Soviet T-80B price reduced from 85$ to 70$
- Soviet T-80B price reduced from 100$ to 85$
- Soviet T-80B availability increased to 10 per card
- Soviet T-80A price reduced from 140$ 110$
- Soviet T-80BV accuracy increased from 40% to 55% and accuracy on the move increased from 30% to 45%
- Soviet T-80BV price reduced from 140$ to 115$
- Soviet T-80U & T-80UK accuracy increased from 40% to 60% and accuracy on the move increased from 35% to 50%.
- Soviet T-80Uprice reduced from 170$ to 160$.
- Soviet T-80U autonomy reduced to 450km.
- Soviet T-80UM accuracy increased from 55% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 50% to 55%
- CSSR T-62cz main gun loadout increased from 20 to 34.
- CSSR T-62cz stabilization increased from 5 to 10%.
- E-German KPz T-72M1 availability reduced to 10 per card

- BLUFOR M48A2 autonomy set 440km and fuel tank capacity set to 760L
- BLUFOR M48A3 and M48A5 autonomy set 460km and fuel tank capacity set to 760L
- BLUFOR M48A5 main gun loadout reduced from 40 to 37
from 1000L to 600L
- BLUFOR Scorpion Light tank autonomy increased from 650km to 750km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 500L to 420L
- BLUFOR Scorpion Light tank main gun loadout reduced from 35 to 25.
- BLUFOR Centurion series main gun loadout increased from 40 to 41/42.
- BLUFOR Centurion Mk.5 autonomy increased from 300km to 450km.
- BLUFOR Centurion Mk.5 price increased from 15$ to 25$.
- BLUFOR Centurion Mk.5 accuracy reduced from 25% to 20%.
- BLUFOR Centurion Mk.6 and following autonomy increased from 300km to 600km and fuel tank capacity increased from 450L to 870L.
- BLUFOR Centurion Mk.6 accuracy reduced from 30% to 25% and accuracy on the move increased from 5% to 10%.
- BLUFOR Centurion Mk.6 increased from 25$ to 30$
- BLUFOR Centurion Mk.11 price increased from 25$ to 30$
- American M48A5 USMC main gun loadout reduced from 54 to 37
- American M551 series autonomy increased from 550km to 560km and fuel tank capacity reduced
- American M551A1 Sheridan price reduced from 40$ to 35$ & availability increased from 16 to 20
- American M551A1 Sheridan ATGM loadout reduced from 7 to 6.
- American M60 Patton series main gun loadout reduced from 40 to 38.
- American M60 Patton series fuel tank capacity reduced from 1500L to 1450L.
- American M60A2E1 Starship main gun loadout increased from 15 to 20.
- American M60A2E1 Starship ATGM loadout reduced from 9 to 8.
- American M60A2E2 Starship main gun loadout increased from 15 to 20.
- American M60A2E2 Starship ATGM loadout reduced from 9 to 8.
- American M60 RISE price reduced from 40$ to 35$.
- American M60A1 ERA price reduced from 70$ to 60$.
- American M60A3 autonomy increased from 500km to 520km.
- American M60A3 price reduced from 60$ to 50$.
- American M60A3 availability increased to 16 per card.
- American Super M60 price reduced from 75$ to 65$.
- American M1 Abrams series speed increased by 5 km/h.
- American M1 Abrams main gun loadout increased from 25 to 40.
- American M1 Abrams autonomy reduced from 500km to 440km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 2000L to 1900L
- American M1 Abrams accuracy increased from 40% to 60% and accuracy on the move increased from 25% to 50%
- American M1 Abrams price reduced from 80$ to 70$
- American M1IP Abrams & M1A1 Abrams autonomy reduced from 500km to 435km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 2000L to 1900L
- American M1IP Abrams main gun loadout increased from 25 to 40
- American M1IP Abrams accuracy increased from 40% to 60% and accuracy on the move increased from 30% to 50%
- American M1IP Abrams price reduced from 90$ to 80$
- American M1IP Abrams availability increased to 10 per card
- American M1A1 Abrams main gun loadout increased from 25 to 29
- American M1A1 Abrams accuracy increased from 55% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 50% to 60%
- American M1A1 Abrams price reduced from 135$ to 120$
- American M1A1(HA) / (HC) Abrams & M1A2 Abrams autonomy reduced from 500km to 425km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 2000L to 1900L
- American M1A1(HA) / (HC) Abrams main gun loadout increased from 25 to 29
- American M1A1(HA) accuracy increased from 55% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 50% to 60%
- American M1A1(HA) Abrams price reduced from 155$ to 145$
- American M1A1(HC) Abrams accuracy increased from 60% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 55% to 60%
- American M1A1(HC) Abrams price reduced from 165$ to 160$
- American M1A2 Abrams main gun loadout increased from 25 to 30
- American M1A2 Abrams accuracy increased from 65% to 70%
- American MBT-70 has an autoloader with a ready rack of 42 shells
- American MBT-70 ATGM loadout increased from 4 to 6
- American MBT-70 price reduced from 70$ to 60$
- American M8 AGS has an autoloader with a ready rack of 30 shells
- American M8 AGS RoF reduced from 15RpM to 13 Rpm
- American M8 AGS price reduced from 60$ to 50$
- American M8 AGS availability increased to 16 per card
- ANZAC Scorpion 90 main gun loadout increased from 20 to 22
- ANZAC Scorpion 90 gain the STAT trait & accuracy increased from 40% to 50%
- ANZAC Leopard AS1 price reduced from 40$ to 35$
- ANZAC Leopard AS1+ price reduced from 65$ to 50$
- ANZAC Leopard AS1+ availability increased to 16 per card
- British Chieftain series fuel tank capacity reduced from 950L to 890L
- British Chieftain Mk.2 autonomy reduced from 450km to 300km
- British Chieftain Mk.2 accuracy increased from 35% to 40% and cannot fire on the move anymore
- British Chieftain Mk.2 price increased from 35$ to 40$
- British Chieftain Mk.5 autonomy increased from 450km to 500km
- British Chieftain Mk.5 accuracy increased from 40% to 55% and accuracy on the move increased from 15% to 30%
- British Chieftain Mk.5 price increased from 45$ to 50$
- British Chieftain Mk.10 & Mk.11 autonomy increased from 450km to 480km
- British Chieftain Mk.10 & Mk.11 accuracy increased from 50% to 60% and accuracy on the move increased from 25% to 40%
- British Chieftain Mk.10 price increased from 65$ to 70$
- British Chieftain Mk.11 price increased from 80$ to 85$
- British Chieftain Mk.5, Mk.10 & Mk.11 speed increased from 40km/h to 45km/h.
- British Chieftain & Challenger 1 series series main gun loadout increased from 40 to 41
- British Challenger 1series autonomy increased from 500km to 550km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 2000L to 1950L.
- British Challenger 1 Mk.1 accuracy increased from 50% to 60% and accuracy on the move increased from 40% to 45%
- British Challenger 1 Mk.1 price reduced from 130$ to 115$
- British Challenger 1 Mk.2 accuracy increased from 60% to 65%
- British Challenger 1 Mk.2 price reduced from 145$ to 130$
- British Challenger 1 Mk.3 accuracy increased from 60% to 65%
- British Challenger 2 main gun loadout reduced from 40 to 38
- British Challenger 2 accuracy increased from 60% to 70% and accuracy on the move increased from 55% to 65%
- British Challenger 2 price reduced from 180$ to 170$
- W-German KPz M48A2G & G2 main gun loadout increased from 40 to 42
- W-German KPz M48A2G price increased from 15$ to 25$
- W-German KPz M48A2G availability reduced from 28 to 24
- W-German KPz M48A2G2 price increased from 20$ to 25$
- W-German KPz M48A2G2 availability reduced from 24 to 20
- W-German Leopard 1A1 main gun loadout reduced from 40 to 37
- W-German Leopard 1A1 accuracy increased from 30% to 35% and accuracy on the move increased from 10% to 30%
- W-German Leopard 1A2 & 1A3 main gun loadout reduced from 40 to 37
- W-German Leopard 1A2 & 1A3 accuracy on the move increased from 20% to 30%
- W-German Leopard 1A2 price reduced from 35$ to 30$
- W-German Leopard 1A4 main gun loadout reduced from 35 to 34
- W-German Leopard 1A4 accuracy increased from 35% to 55% and accuracy on the move increased from 30% to 45%
- W-German Leopard 1A4 price reduced from 50$ to 40$
- W-German Leopard 1A5 main gun loadout reduced from 35 to 34
- W-German Leopard 1A5 accuracy increased from 40% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 35% to 50%
- W-German Leopard 1A5 price reduced from 70$ to 60$
- W-German Kpz Keiler has an autoloader with a ready rack of 48 shells
- W-German Kpz Keiler price decreased from 80 to 70$.
- W-German Kpz Keiler price reduced from 85$ to 80$
- W-German Kpz Keiler availability increased to 10 per card
- W-German Leopard 2 series autonomy increased from 500km to 550km
- W-German Leopard 2 series main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 29
- W-German Leopard 2 accuracy increased from 35% to 60% and accuracy on the move increased from 30% to 50%
- W-German Leopard 2 price reduced from 95$ to 80$
- W-German Leopard 2 availability increased to 10 per card
- W-German Leopard 2A1 accuracy increased from 40% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 35% to 55%
- W-German Leopard 2A1 price reduced from 115$ to 105$
- W-German Leopard 2A4 accuracy increased from 50% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 45% to 60%
- W-German Leopard 2A4 price reduced from 145$ to 135$
- W-German Leopard 2A5 accuracy increased from 60% to 70% and accuracy on the move increased from 60% to 65%
- W-German Leopard 2A5 price reduced from 180$ to 170$
- French AMX-13/90 & Harpon ready rack reduced from 36 and 72 to 24
- French AMX-10RC SB accuracy increased from 45% to 50%
- French AMX-10RC SB price increased from 30$ to 35$
- French AMX-10RC SB price increased from 30$ to 40$
- French AMX-30 series main gun loadout increased from 30 to 33
- French AMX-30 price reduced from 35$ to 30$
- French AMX-30B accuracy reduced from 50% to 40%
- French AMX-30B price reduced from 40$ to 35$
- French AMX-30B2 accuracy increased from 50% to 60%
- French AMX-30B2 price reduced from 50$ to 40$
- French AMX-30B2 Brennus price reduced from 75$ to 65$
- French AMX-32 & AMX-40 main gun loadout increased from 25 to 27
- French AMX-32 & AMX-40 accuracy increased from 55% to 65%
- French AMX-32 price reduced from 90$ to 70$
- French AMX-32 availability increased to 12 per card
- French AMX-40 price reduced from 100$ to 80$
- French AMX-40 availability increased to 10 per card
- French Leclerc has an autoloader with a ready rack of 22 shells
- French Leclerc accuracy increased from 65% to 70% & accuracy on the move increased from 65% to 70%
- French Leclerc availability increased to 3 per card
- French Leclerc size set to Big
- Japanese Roku-Ichi Shiki fuel tank capacity reduced from 800L to 725L
- Japanese Roku-Ichi Shiki main gun loadout reduced from 40 to 27
- Japanese Roku-Ichi Shiki price increased from 10$ to 15$
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki series fuel tank capacity reduced from 900L to 820L
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki A accuracy on the move increased from 25% to 35%
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki A price reduced from 35$ to 30$
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki C accuracy on the move increased from 25% to 35%
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki E accuracy increased from 55% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 35% to 55%
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki E price reduced from 55$ to 50$
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki E availability increased to 20 per card
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki G accuracy increased from 55% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 35% to 55%
- Japanese Nana-Yon Shiki G price reduced from 70$ to 60$
- Japanese Kyu-Maru Shiki has an autoloader with a ready rack of 35 shells
- Japanese Kyu-Maru Shiki RoF increased from 10RpM to 12RpM
- Japanese Kyu-Maru Shiki accuracy increased from 60% to 70% and accuracy on the move increased from 60% to 65%
- Japanese Kyu-Maru Shiki price increased from 160$ to 170$
- Japanese Kyu-Maru Shiki availability reduced to 2 per card
- S-Korean M48A5K2 price reduced from 55$ to 45$
- S-Korean M48A5K price reduced from 40$ to 35$
- S-Korean K1 main gun loadout increased from 35 to 36
- S-Korean K1 accuracy increased from 45% to 60% and accuracy on the move increased from 30% to 50%
- S-Korean K1 price reduced from 110$ to 85$
- S-Korean K1A1 main gun loadout increased from 25 to 29
- S-Korean K1A1 accuracy increased from 55% to 65% and accuracy on the move increased from 50% to 55%
- Swedish Strv 102 price increased by +10$.
- Swedish Strv 102 accuracy reduced from 30% to 25% and accuracy on the move increased from 5% to 10%
- Swedish Strv 102 accuracy reduced from 30% to 25% and accuracy on the move increased from 5% to 10%
- Swedish Strv 102 price increased from 25$ to 30$
- Swedish Strv 102R availability decreased from 20 to 16
- Swedish Strv 102R accuracy increased from 35% to 50% and accuracy on the move increased from 10% to 15%
- Swedish Strv 104 accuracy increased from 35% to 55% and accuracy on the move increased from 15% to 20%
- Swedish Strv 103B accuracy reduced from 45% to 35%
- Swedish Strv 103B price reduced from 65$ to 55$
- Swedish Strv 103C accuracy increased from 45% to 55%
- Swedish Strv 103C price reduced from 95$ to 85$
- Swedish Strv 103C availability increased to 10 per card
- Canadian Leopard C1 price reduced from 50$ to 40$
- Canadian Leopard C2 price reduced from 70$ to 60$
- Danish Centurion 105mm price increased from 30$ to 35$
- Danish Leopard 1A3-DK price reduced from 50$ to 40$
- Norwegian M24 main gun loadout reduced from 50 to 25
- Norwegian M48A1 speed increased by 5kmh
- Norwegian M48A1 autonomy set 440km and fuel tank capacity set to 760L
- Norwegian M48A1 main gun loadout reduced from 45 to 40
- Norwegian M48A1 price increased from 15$ to 20$

VEHICLE wrote:
- REDFOR TO-55 autonomy reduced from 700km to 480km
- REDFOR TO-55 main gun loadout increased from 15 to 21
- REDFOR TO-62 main gun loadout increased from 15 to 28
- REDFOR ASU-85M main gun loadout increased from 25 to 45
- REDFOR Su-100 main gun loadout reduced from 45 to 29
- REDFOR Su-100 Accuracy reduced from 45% to 25%
- REDFOR Su-100 Frontal armor increased from 3 to 4
- REDFOR MT-LBV price reduced from 10$ to 5$
- REDFOR BMP-1P base availability increased from 16 to 20
- REDFOR BMD-1P base availability increased from 16 to 20
- REDFOR BMP-2 obr 86 base availability increased from 12 to 16
- REDFOR BMP-2D base availability increased from 16 to 20
- REDFOR BMP-2 base availability increased from 16 to 20
- REDFOR BMP-1 series RoF reduced from 10RpM to 9RpM
- REDFOR BMP-1 series have an autoloader with a ready rack of 40 shells
- Polish SKOT-2AM base availability increased from 20 to 24
- Soviet BTR-80 base availability increased from 20 to 24
- Soviet BMP-3 base availability increased from 8 to 12
- Soviet BMP-3 Autocanon AP increased from 2 to 3
- Soviet BMD-3 base availability increased from 8 to 12
- Soviet BTR-90 re-roled as light Tank Destroyer, with increased loadout but with no more transport capacity. Price set at 60$ and availability at 6/1.
- Soviet Norov has an autoloader with a ready rack of 22 shells
- Soviet BTR-70 Zhalo turret rotation speed reduced from 150° sec (MG turret) to 50° sec (Rapid Tank Turret)
- Soviet BTR-70 Zhalo has an autoloader with a ready rack of 20 shells
- Soviet BMP-3 have an autoloader with a ready rack of 22 shells for it's 100mm gun
- Soviet BMP-3 number of ATGM reduced from 10 to 4
- Soviet BMP-T have an autoloader with a ready rack of 22 shells for it's 100mm gun
- Soviet SU-122-54 main gun loadout increased from 20 to 29
- Chinese ZSD-531A base availability reduced from 24 to 20
- Chinese ZSD-531A price reduced from 10$ to 5$
- Chinese ZSD-63A and ZSD-63C price reduced from 10$ to 5$
- Chinese ZSD-63C base availability reduced from 24 to 20
- Chinese ZBD-86 shell loadout increased from 10 to 25 rounds to match that of other REFOR BMP-1.
- Chinese PTZ-59 autonomy increased from 550km to 600km and fuel tank capacity reduced from 1360L to 960L
- Chinese PTZ-59 main gun loadout increased from 20 to 25
- Chinese PTZ-59 price reduced from 60$ to 50$
- Chinese PTZ-89 has an autoloader with a ready rack of 30 shells
- Chinese PTZ-89 price reduced from 75$ to 65$ & availability increased from 8 to 10
- CSSR OT-810D re-roled as Fire Support Vehicle and separated from the BRDM-2 ATGM series. No stats change.
- N-Korean Su-76M autonomy reduced from 320km to 250km and fuel tank capacity increased from 250L to 440L
- N-Korean Su-76M main gun loadout increased from 40 to 60
- N-Korean Su-76M Accuracy reduced from 30% to 20%
- N-Korean VTT-323 HWASUNG-PO price increased from 20$ to 25$
- N-Korean ATS-103 price increased from 25$ to 30$
- E-German SPz BMP-1 SP-1 price increased from 10$ to 15$
- E-German SPz BMP-1 SP-1 base availability increased from 20 to 24
- E-German SPz BMP-2 base availability increased from 20 to 24

- BLUFOR M113 w/ RCL price increased from 10$ to 15$
- American M113A1 price decreased from 10 to 5$.
- American M113A3 price decreased from 10 to 5$.
- American M113A3 base availability decreased from 24 to 20.
- American M113A1 Dragon price decreased from 15 to 10$.
- American M113A3 Super Dragon price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- American M113A1/A3 Dragon/Super Dragon now restricted to Cavalry Scout's use only, with availability decreased to match the latter’s.
- American LAV-25 FSV autonomy increased to match that of the LAV-25 Scout, and its driving pattern was changed to fix some previously reported strange behaviour.
- American M2 Bradley IFV base availability increased from 16 to 20.
- American M2A1 Bradley IFV base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- American M2A2 Bradley IFV base availability increased from 8 to 12.
- American M728 CEV main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 19
- British Centurion AVRE main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 19
- British Buffalo price decreased from 10 to 5$.
- British FV510 Warrior base availability increased from 20 to 24.
- British FV510 Warrior ERA base availability increased from 16 to 24.
- British Saxon base availability increased from 20 to 24.
- French VAB T20 price decreased from 20 to 15$.
- French VAB T20 base availability decreased from 20 to 16.
- French AMX-10P base availability increased from 20 to 24.
- French AML 90 main gun loadout increased from 15 to 20
- W-German M113A1G price decreased from 10 to 5$.
- W-German Marder 1A3 price increased from 20 to 25$.
- W-German Marder 1A3 base availability increased from 12 to 16.
- W-German Kanonenjagdpanzer RoF increased from 7 to 12RpM.
- W-German Kanonenjagdpanzer availability increased from 16 to 20
- W-German Marder VTS1 AP value increased from 10 to 15 (change from WALB lost in RD)
- W-German Marder VTS1 price increased from 20$ to 25$
- Canadian M113A1 price decreased from 10 to 5$.
- Canadian Cougar main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 25
- S-Korean KAFV 40/50 price decreased from 15 to 10$.
- S-Korean M18 main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 27
- S-Korean M36 main gun loadout reduced from 30 to 29
- Swedish Ikv 103 availability fixed from 12 to 20
- Swedish Ikv 91 rate of fire increased from 8 to 9
- Swedish Ikv 91 accuracy on the move increased from 5% to 25%
- adding Japanese (new model! ;)) HMV now armed with a Type 62 MMG, fixing the only non-armed non-truck vehicle.

- Chinese Z-9 and French Panther frontal armor removed.
- Transport helicopter base availability is 20 ( Except for : Puma Pirate, CH-46 Phrog, HKP 4C, KV-107, AS565 Panther, Lynx AH.7, Mi-8MTV, MI-17, Z-9A, Ka-29TB, (all variants) which have a base availability of 16 (

- REDFOR transport Mi-4 (all variants) price increased from 10$ to 15$.
- REDFOR Mi-8's HP increased from 6 to 8.
- REDFOR Mi-8T price increased from 20 to 25$.
- REDFOR Mi-8TV price increased from 25 to 30$.
- Soviet Ka-29TB rear armor increased from 0 to 1.
- Soviet Ka-27 rear armor increased from 0 to 1.
- Soviet Mi-24V's re-roled as AA chopper, with 4x Igla instead of 8x Kokon (other weapons remain identical). Price set at 90$ and availability at 3/2.
- Soviet Mi-24VP Kokon upgraded to Kokon-M.
- Soviet Mi-28 autocannons' accuracy increased a lot.
- Soviet Mi-28 Autocanon AP increased from 2 to 3

- BLUFOR Lynx HP increased from 4 to 6 as they have two turbines.
- British Lynx AH.7 price increased from 25$ to 30$.
- British/Danish Lynx AH.1 & Lynx price increased from 15$ to 25$.
- British/French Puma 330H and HC.1 price increased from 15$ to 20$.
- American MH-60 DAP number of cards reduced from 2 to 1, being a prototype.
- American Apache (both) autocannons' accuracy increased a lot.
- French AS.565 Panther price increased from 25$ to 30$.
- French & W-German Tigre (all) autocannons' accuracy increased a lot.
- ANZAC Bushranger turret fixed (it was allowed to rotate)
- Canadian CH-135 Gunship now use regular HE rockets instead of HEAT rockets, giving canada some air support vs infantry.
- Canadian CH-135 Gunship price reduced from 45$ to 30$

PLANES wrote:
- Air to Air missiles minimal range reduced to 10% of the maximal range.
- Laser guided bombs now hit top armor of their targets making them much more effective on well armored targets.
- Laser guided bombs HE power reduced to match their dumb versions counterpart.

- adding ODAB-500 thermobaric bomb (CSSR MiG-29), doing HE explosion and a medium napalm effect (like Buratino).
- REDFOR Gsh 23-6 fixed, air to ground range reduced from 2100m to 2800m, air to air range increased from 2100m to 2800m
- REDFOR R-33 Vympel's time between missiles reduced from 6s to 1s.
- Chinese J-5 price increased from 45$ to 60$.
- Chinese J-5 availablity increased from 3 to 4.
- Chinese F-7B base availability increasedfrom 4 to 5.
- Chinese J-7II base availability increasedfrom 4 to 5.
- Chinese J-7IIM base availability increasedfrom 4 to 5.
- Chinese JH-7A Feibao price reduced from 170$ to 160$.
- Chinese JH-7C availability per card increased from 2 to 3.
- Chinese JH-7H availability per card increased from 2 to 3.
- Chinese J-8IIB price reduced from 80$ to 75$.
- Chinese J-8IIB base availavility increased from 3 to 4.
- Chinese J-8C price reduced from 105$ to 90$.
- Chinese Q-5 availability increased from 2 to 3.
- Chinese Q-5II availability increased from 2 to 3.
- E-German Mig-17F availability per card increased from 3 to 4.
- E-German Mig-17F price increased from 45$ to 50$.
- E-German Mig-17PF price increased from 45$ to 55$.
- E-German Mig-21M price increased from 55$ to 70$.
- E-German Mig-21M availability increased from 2 to 3.
- E-German MiG-21ML price reduced from 80$ to 75$.
- E-German MiG-21ML availability increased from 2 to 3.
- E-German Su-22M4P price increased from 85$ to 90$.
- E-German MiG-23MF passed on to CSSR as MiG-23ML, service date moved up to 1988.
- E-German MiG-23BN price increased from 90$ to 95$.
- CSSR MiG-23ML air optics set as Very Good, and price at 100$.
- CSSR MiG-23BN Kh-23 upgraded to Kh-23M, and service date moved up to 1979.
- CSSR MiG-21MF-75 entiere loadout set as 4x R-13M, and service date moved back to 1975.
- CSSR MiG-21MF-75 availability increased from 2 to 3.
- CSSR L-29R Delphin availability per card increased from 4 to 5.
- CSSR L-29RS Delphin price increased from 35$ to 50$
- CSSR L-29RS Delphin availablity increased from 3 to 4
- CSSR L-39ZO Albatros availability per card increased from 3 to 4
- CSSR L-39ZO Albatros price increased from 45$ to 50$.
- Polish Mig-19PM price reduced from 60$ to 50$.
- Polish Mig-19PM base availability increasedfrom 4 to 5.
- Polish Su-7BM availability per card increased from 2 to 3.
- Polish Su-7B availability per card increased from 2 to 3.
- Polish MiG-21 Bis missile loadout changed from R-73 to R-60M.
- Polish MiG-21 Bis price decreased from 85$ to 80$
- Polish MiG-23BN name changed to MiG-23MF, loadout set as 2x R-23R + 2x R-13M and service date moved up to 1978.
- Polish MiG-23MF’s ECM decreased from 20 to 10%.
- Polish MiG-23MF price increased from 75 to 85$.
- Polish Su-20 name changed to Su-22M4 Series 30, Kh-23 missiles upgraded into Kh-29T and service date moved up to 1986.
- Polish Su-22M4 Series 30’s ECM increased from 0 to 20%.
- Polish Su-22M4 Series 30 price set as 120$, and availability at 2 per card.
- Polish Su-22M4P price increased from 90$ to 100$.
- Soviet Su-24M loadout changed from 12x FAB-250 into "carpet bomber mode" 30x FAB-250
- Soviet Su-24M price increased from 115$ to 130$.
- Soviet MiG-21Bis price reduced from 80$ to 70$
- Soviet MiG-21Bis availability increased from 2 to 3
- Soviet Mig-21SMT availability increased from 2 to 4.
- Soviet Mig-21SMT price increased from 50$ to 60$.
- Soviet Mig-25PD price reduced from 100$ to 90$
- Soviet Mig-25MP price reduced from 160$ to 150$
- Soviet Mig-25RBT loadout increased from 6 to 8 cluster bombs.
- Soviet Mig-25RBT price increased from 100$ to 105$
- Soviet MiG-31 now fires its missiles two at a time.
- Soviet Il-102 flight model modified to match that of the Su-25.
- Soviet Su-27S price reduced from 170$ to 150$
- Soviet Su-27PUnow available in 2 cards of 1 elite plane.
- Soviet Su-27K price reduced from 160$ to 150$.
- N-Korean F-5 price increased from 50$ to 60$.
- N-Korean F-5 availablity increased from 2 to 4.
- N-Korean F-5B price increased from 35$ to 40$.
- N-Korean F-5B availability increased from 3 to 4.
- N-Korean A-5I availability increased from 2 to 3.
- N-Korean Su-7BMK availability increased from 2 to 3.

- BLUFOR F-104 turn radius set to 450
- American F-4S Phantom II [Napalm] price increased from 110$ to 120$.
- American A-7E Corsair II price increased from 60$ to 75$
- American A-6A Intruder availability per card increased from 2 to 3
- American A-6A Intruder price increased from 60$ to 75$
- American A-4F Skyhawk II availability per card increased from 3 to 4
- American A-4F Skyhawk II price reduced from 50$ to 45$
- American F-14 now fires its missiles two at a time.
- American EA-6 Prowler price increased from 105$ to 110$
- American EF-11A Raven price increased from 135$ to 140$
- American F-4G Wild Weasel price reduced from 105$ to 100$
- American F-15Aprice reduced from 140$ to 130$
- American F-15Cnow available in 2 cards of 1 elite plane.
- American F-16A Faghting Falcon availability increased from 2 to 3
- American F-16C Block 52 price increased from 150$ to 160$.
- American AV-8A harrier price reduced from 65$ to 60$.
- Japanese F-86F Kyokko price increased from 55$ to 60$
- Japanese F-86F Kyokko availability increased from 3 to 4
- Japanese F-15J price reduced from 165$ to 150$
- Japanese F-4J price reduced from 70$ to 65$
- Japanese F-4EJ price reduced from 100$ to 90$
- Japanese F-104J Ryu price reduced from 70$ to 60$
- Japanese F-104J Ryu base availability increasedfrom 4 to 5
- S-Korean F-5A [Napalm] availability increased from 2 to 3.
- S-Korean KF-16C price reduced from 160$ to 150$.
- S-Korean KF-5E Jegong-Ho price reduced from 80$ to 75$.
- S-Korean F-86F availability increased fom 2 to 3.
- Norvegian F-16 Fighting Falcon (aka "Nuke Bombers") number of cards available decreased from 2 to 1.
- Canadian EF-101B Electric Voodoo price increased from 80$ to 90$ and availability reduced from 3 to 2.
- Canadian CF-188 Hornet price reduced from 150$ to 140$
- Canadian CF-101B Voodoo price reduced from 50$ to 45$
- Canadian CF-101B Voodoo base availability increasedfrom 4 to 5.
- Canadian CF-104 Starfighter availability increased fom 2 to 3
- French F-8E(FN) Crusader price reduced from 65$ to 60$
- French F-8E(FN) Crusader base availability increasedfrom 4 to 5.
- French Etendard IVM availability per card increased from 3 to 4
- French Etendard IVM price reduced from 50$ to 45$
- French Jaguar A price reduced from 95$ to 80$
- French Mirage 5F price reduced from 130$ to 120$
- French Mirage IIIC price reduced from 105$ to 100$
- French Rafale now available in 2 cards of 1 elite plane.
- British Harrier GR.1 availability per card increased from 3 to 4.
- British Harrier GR.3 price reduced from 80$ to 75$.
- British Harrier GR.7 loadout changed from 2x AGM-65E to 4x GBU-12 Paveway II
- British Harrier GR.7 price reduced from 120$ to 100$.
- British Jaguar GR.1 availability increased from 3 to 4
- British Tornado F.3 price reduced from 140$ to 135$
- British Sea Harrier FA.2 ECM increased from 30% to 40%
- British Sea Harrier FA.2 price reduced from 75$ to 70$
- British Eurofighter flight model modified to match Rafale.
- British Eurofighter now available in 2 cards of 1 elite plane.
- British Eurofighter ECM increased from 40% to 50%
- British Eurofighter price increased from 160$ to 175$
- W-German Tornado ECR price reduced from 160$ to 150$.
- W-German F-4 KWS price reduced from 150$ to 140$
- W-German Alpha Jet A availablity increased from 3 to 4.
- W-German F-4F price reduced from 75$ to 70$.
- Danish Starfighter [Napalm] price increased from 75$ to 80$
- Danish Starfighter [Napalm] availability increased from 2 to 3.
- ANZAC BAC Strikmaster [Napalm] availablity increased from 3 to 4.
- ANZAC A-4K Skyhawk missile changed from AGM-65D to AGM-65B (-175m range and -10% accuracy)
- ANZAC A-4K Kahu price increased from 100$ to 125$.
- ANZAC Mirage 1110(F) price reduced from 80$ to 75$
- ANZAC Mirage 1110(A) availability per card increased from 2 to 3
- ANZAC F-4E Phantom II price reduced from 110$ to 100$
- Swedish JA.37 Viggen price reduced from 115$ to 110$.
- Swedish AJS.37 Viggen price increased from 120$ to 130$.

Возраст: 12
С нами с 01.07.07
Посты: 433
03.09.14 21:42 [Re: Ferdinand_Amadeus] Russian Federation #1781762
Сабж -50%
добрый зерг
Возраст: 40
С нами с 24.11.07
Посты: 1387
10.10.14 13:35 [Re: trumdz] Ukraine #1792650
Опять -50%
Возраст: 35
: Україна Житомир
С нами с 11.08.11
Посты: 132
15.01.15 23:03 [Re: therionn] Ukraine #1824264
Народ, кто играет постоянно вечером(после 18:00)? Желательно скайп чтобы был.
С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
16.01.15 03:21 [Re: MAMOHT.] Czech Republic #1824393
У нас в тимспике иногда люди играют, можешь заходить. Я лично удалил игру, разработчики испортили ее.
добрый зерг
Возраст: 40
С нами с 24.11.07
Посты: 1387
19.01.15 16:21 [Re: Ferdinand_Amadeus] Ukraine #1825941
Я играю в основном с 22:00 до 12:00. Фердинанд, а дай ссылку почитать.
С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
19.01.15 20:49 [Re: therionn] Czech Republic #1826090
Вот ссылка именно на раздел Ред драгона -


Суть в том что ЦА игры - западное коммюнити, люди со всякими документами доказывают с пеной у рта реальную скорострельность, скорость, точность - танков/автоматов/подготовленности бойцов отдельных отрядов и стран, короче драма еще та... я все понимаю, но это же игра, в итоге начинают преплетать политический контекст + например, то что американская профессиональная армия была лучше советской (один из примеров срачей) и так далее. В итоге что мы имеем, НАТО нагибает пакт по всем показателям, потому что совки, мол, не могут в точность... уже даже западные игроки говорят что баланс не торт, но воз и нынче там. Если обособиться от НАТО и ПАКТА, то имеем условных красных и синих, и у синих явное преимущество.
Скоро у этой же компании выходит новая игра, только сеттин и геймплей другой, но это стратегия, короче они скорее всего просто убивают эту игру (хотя смысл ?)

Ну многим это надоело и мне тоже, в итоге многие забили.
добрый зерг
Возраст: 40
С нами с 24.11.07
Посты: 1387
19.01.15 22:09 [Re: Ferdinand_Amadeus] Ukraine #1826120
Читал , что там многие с пеной у рта доказывают, что тот автомат стреляет на 10 метров дальше...
А мне это не страшно, я обычно играю 10 на 10 Асгард, там как повезет
С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
30.11.16 02:38 [Re: therionn] Czech Republic #1932640
В четверг первого декабря выходит длц с югославией и финляндией, конечно они платные, но тем не менее, если есть желающие играть вместе, жду вас -
Возраст: 32
С нами с 04.08.09
Посты: 1806
04.03.18 18:14 [Re: Ferdinand_Amadeus] Ukraine #1954122
Есть тут играющие в рд?
голос в телефоне
С нами с 11.12.09
Посты: 11042
04.03.18 18:55 [Re: TryZon] Poland #1954123
Есть, но я такое дно, что меня даже из лобби порой кикают
Возраст: 32
С нами с 04.08.09
Посты: 1806
05.03.18 13:12 [Re: Арбанов] Ukraine #1954133
меня тоже кикают, правда по другой причине...
Можно было бы вечером сыграть - мне нужен надежный напарник, который не ливнет в сложной ситуации и не будет ходить в атаки зенитками
добрый зерг
Возраст: 40
С нами с 24.11.07
Посты: 1387
20.03.18 10:18 [Re: TryZon] Ukraine #1954528
Еще периодически играю, в основном поздним вечером на выходных
С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
24.04.18 17:59 [Re: therionn] Czech Republic #1955724
Можно будет собраться, поиграть. Вы где сидите обычно, дискорды, тимспики ?
Возраст: 32
С нами с 04.08.09
Посты: 1806
11.05.18 23:20 [Re: Ferdinand_Amadeus] Ukraine #1955968
ну так давайте соберемся...запарился я с рандомами играть
С нами с 18.06.12
Посты: 1108
19.05.18 17:18 [Re: TryZon] Czech Republic #1956123
Так напишите где вас найти. Я, например, тут - https://discord.me/ftsquad
Если не хотите в дискорде сидеть, можем в тимспиках или еще где. Но дискорд удобен что в режиме реального времени можно написать или покнуть, на том же телефоне установлен у меня, так что там меня точно найдете и достучитесь.

Играю не каждый день, а если играю, ближе к вечеру по-будням, пятница, суббота, воскресенье.

UPD - можете писать еще в стим - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198071513529/

Кстати у кого Казаки 3 есть ? Я бы тоже присоединился, если тут такие есть, так как в сети играть с теми людьми что там есть, просто скилла не хватает, там матерые старички, которые тебя сразу на березах распинают.

Отредактировано Ferdinand_Amadeus 19.05.18 17:21. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
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