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Пользователь Сообщение: I got unfair ban for cheating !NEED HELP FROM ADMINS!        (Тема#25203)
С нами с 23.01.09
Посты: 8
23.01.09 19:23 United States #510747
Ja ugraю pod nukom illuminati[fromNY].Cevodnja 23 janvarja menja zabanulu na 6 servere - pru4una = CHEATING! JA neznaЮ kto takoi gugant muclu u po kakim pru4unam menja zabanulu..No ja mogy ckazat 4to ja coblюdaю vce pravula u zakonu kontru , no kogda tebe dadyt "Ban"za procto tak eto mozet cbucut lюbova! Pozalycta ADMINU otzovutuc u eclu mozete, pomogute mne reshut ety problemy!Усlu xotite pocmotrute moю ctatuctuky
Ja yze davno ugraю u dymaю shto ctatuctuka vac ydovlutvorut!
С нами с 23.01.09
Посты: 8
23.01.09 19:37 [Re: natovec] United States #510761
first of all i dont have russian keybourd! if u feel uncomfortable to read what i wrote dont reply to message!

Отредактировано illuminati 23.01.09 19:53. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
: Киев, 36 лет
С нами с 24.02.06
Посты: 6371
23.01.09 23:02 [Re: illuminati] Ukraine #510873
Specify your IP address that appears in ban message.
If you remember nickname of game administrator that banned you then specify it here also.
We already investigating this case. Please stand by.
С нами с 23.01.09
Посты: 8
24.01.09 00:27 [Re: Ganzilla] United States #510933
I was playing on 6 server! Map was Killall
Please i hope that You will find the true reason why I was banned.
Tnx again!
Milky Way 
No Limit Infinite
Milky Way
С нами с 18.01.02
Посты: 33612
24.01.09 00:52 [Re: illuminati] Ukraine #510945
Without your IP address we can do nothing, understand? Ili po russki napisat ?
С нами с 23.01.09
Посты: 8
24.01.09 01:10 [Re: KAMuKAg3E] United States #510955
Ganzilla wrote:
We already investigating this case. Please stand by.

and i dont know for what u need my IP address if u already investigate this case?!

Отредактировано illuminati 24.01.09 01:10. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
С нами с 23.01.09
Посты: 8
24.01.09 01:18 [Re: illuminati] United States #510959
I dont know what the problem?! i was playing a lot of times on 5 and 6 servers ! I was playing a lot of times with other admins like Poison ,Stealth, king kong , i dont know for sure from who i got ban and for what reason?!I guess maybe its because i gave him a lucky headshot or what :)?and he put me into a ban list?:)
Марио Фигейра
Возраст: 43
: Симфер-Керчь
С нами с 30.12.04
Посты: 7042
24.01.09 01:53 [Re: illuminati] Ukraine #510969
куплю себе БТР
: неКиев
С нами с 31.05.05
Посты: 4667
24.01.09 01:54 [Re: illuminati] Ukraine #510970
Узнаешь ипи-адресс по http://whatismyip.com/ и пишешь сюда.
С нами с 23.01.09
Посты: 8
24.01.09 01:57 [Re: Minosh] United States #510973
i can only give my IP address to admins !i dont want that somebody who view this chat saw such a private information ...
: Киев, 36 лет
С нами с 24.02.06
Посты: 6371
24.01.09 10:58 [Re: illuminati] Ukraine #511022
We investigating who could ban you. But it may take weeks...
So give us IP-address and our investigation would go muuuuuch faster.
(For your attention -- IP isn't such point of privacy as it seems )
Возраст: 43
: Kiev
С нами с 16.11.05
Посты: 18258
24.01.09 11:12 [Re: Ganzilla] Ukraine #511032
Dear illuminati

Please be informed that you were banned by me as you were using illegal cheat programs.

Unfortunately I did not save the demo proving your guilt. Thus your IP will be unbanned.

As you probably know it's impossible to do that without knowing your IP. So would you be so kind to give it to us.

Thank you for your understanding. See you back on the battlefield.

Best Regards
Milky Way 
No Limit Infinite
Milky Way
С нами с 18.01.02
Посты: 33612
24.01.09 12:13 [Re: illuminati] Ukraine #511051
  • illuminati Сказано:
i can only give my IP address to admins !i dont want that somebody who view this chat saw such a private information ...

In future please READ 2 important topics
Rules of BAN List
How to post a claim and pay attention that if you want to receive answer "why your IP is banned" we need to know exact IP your are talking about. If you suppose that we could guess your IP you have played you are mistaken. So please be so kind and provide your IP you have played from. If next post hasn't this information you will definitly get ban for 3 or more days on this forum too (just to read FAQ and RULES).

With best regards,
VBIOS Admin Team
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