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Пользователь Сообщение: [Request] Battlerecord files        (Тема#48863)
С нами с 16.04.11
Посты: 2
16.04.11 12:22 Sweden #996605
Hello people!

This took me some time as I do not speak russian. I am the commander of one of the teams in the PR World Cup, namely the Nordic Battlegroup. It has come to my attention that a few of my players were acting like idiots yesterday on your server. I am not sure which of the two server it is I am only sure that it was around 00.00GMT (probably earlier) and it was running Gaza.

They were flaming DEVs and others alike as well as teamkilling them. Something I do not stand for at all. Therefore I would like to, if I can, take a look at Battlerecorder files and see for myself how much teamkilling was done.

Following here are testimonies as well as screenshots provided by [R-MOD]Jigsaw and Scot (Admin in the PRT). I do trust in them that they did not act recklessly. You can even see that they responded jokingly to the teamkilling when shot by a friendly sniper on purpose.


As discussed with Wicca, the above two members of NBG repeatedly TKed Scot, Matty, Carebear and I. We were taking a Humvee from main when someone who had apparently taken their sniper kit got in. We started to drive off and they started teamkilling us.

Screenshots as below:


Etc etc you get the point.

  • Scot :
It was mainly NBG<<<Warpig|PR who I got screens of. I think Jiggy is sending you some others:

Then Airborn#101, after running in front of [R-DEV]Matty's Namer APC:

If you will provide me with the BR-files I would be most grateful. You can contact me in the thread (will be monitoring it for a few days) or through Xfire (agemman).

Thank you for your cooperation.

Google Translate:

Здравствуйте, люди!

Це мені було потрібно якийсь час, тому що не володіють російською мовою. Я командир однієї з команд в PR Кубка світу, а саме Північної Бойові групи. Справа дійшла до мого відомості, що деякі з моїх гравців діє як ідіоти вчора на вашому сервері. Я не впевнений, який з двох серверів це я тільки впевнений, що це було близько 00.00GMT (можливо і раніше), і він втік Газі.

Вони палали розробники і інші подібні, а також teamkilling них. Щось я не коштують для всіх. Тому я хотів би, якщо я можу, погляньте на файли Battlerecorder і побачити для себе, скільки teamkilling було зроблено.

Після тут показання, а також скріншоти надаються [R-MOD] Jigsaw і Scot (Admin в ГВП). Я довіру до них, що вони не діють необачно. Ви навіть можете побачити, що вони відповіли жартома teamkilling коли стріляли по дружніх снайпера на цілі.


As discussed with Wicca, the above two members of NBG repeatedly TKed Scot, Matty, Carebear and I. We were taking a Humvee from main when someone who had apparently taken their sniper kit got in. We started to drive off and they started teamkilling us.

Screenshots as below:


Etc etc you get the point.

  • Scot :
It was mainly NBG<<<Warpig|PR who I got screens of. I think Jiggy is sending you some others:

Then Airborn#101, after running in front of [R-DEV]Matty's Namer APC:

Якщо ви будете надати мені BR-файли, я був би дуже вдячний. Ви можете зв'язатися зі мною в потоці (буде контролювати його протягом кількох днів), або через Xfire (agemman).

Дякуємо вам за співпрацю.

Отредактировано Agemman 16.04.11 12:23. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
тренер - маньяк
: Caribbean Sea,Black Pearl
С нами с 16.02.07
Посты: 14282
16.04.11 12:50 [Re: Agemman] Ukraine #996628
Thanks for your report.
I ll contact you in PM soon.

P.S.Dont use translator - speak english only(cause, translation is horrible )
С нами с 16.04.11
Посты: 2
16.04.11 15:38 [Re: BadMad] Sweden #996729
Roger, will do. Thanks for the help man!
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