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Пользователь Сообщение: Ban appeal request        (Тема#51981)
С нами с 15.07.11
Посты: 4
15.07.11 17:41 Turkey #1065761
Hi everybody,
i am rotsonne.
""" Today , while playing PR in pr2vbios server, in muttrah , i was MEC. when i was near the TOW at south of Castle , AAV had come my position and i was hidden. then apc stopped at my position. using incendiary i destroyed AAV and i was banned. whats the rule about using incendiary , i dont know anything about it , any news havent been written at top of the screen while playing?
can anybody help ? can anybody remove my ban because i didnt know anything about it ? """ /* old post */

nick : rotsonne
ip :
date : 15.07.2011 , time about 15.30 ( approximately)
bf pid : 99939721
GUID : (when i write pb_myguid i get this)= PunkBusterCliend:GUID=1185badd3c6f88420dbf249eebf4d9dc
- " you have benn BANNED from this server by Server Admin "...

i am well-disposed person and i have been playing this game for 4 years. i didnt see any rule about " you cannot destroy apc with incendiary" , and after the destroying apc i didnt get any warning about " do not do it again ". i am sorry and i am requesting ban appeal please. thank you

Отредактировано rotsonne 15.07.11 18:31. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
Возраст: 43
С нами с 23.06.09
Посты: 10619
15.07.11 17:55 [Re: rotsonne] Ukraine #1065781
  • Apache :

- Your GUID (for this you should go to any other server with the included PB, register in the console command pb_myguid and write the last 8 characters per line, after your nick)
- Text or a screenshot of the error you get when you try to access the server

we need full information

  • rotsonne :

".. whats the rule about using incendiary , i dont know anything about it , any news havent been written at top of the screen while playing?
can anybody help ? can anybody remove my ban because i didnt know anything about it ? """ /* old post */

i am well-disposed person and i have been playing this game for 4 years. i didnt see any rule about " you cannot destroy apc with incendiary" , and after the destroying apc i didnt get any warning about " do not do it again ". i am requesting ban appeal please. thank you

  • zloy_bullet :
when you are connecting to the server, then you can see in the lower right corner of the reference to server rules, as well as inside the game - the rules are scrolled top rigth left corner

ignorance of the rules - no excuse!

p.s. this is for you..

Отредактировано zloy_bullet 15.07.11 17:56. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
С нами с 15.07.11
Посты: 4
15.07.11 18:32 [Re: zloy_bullet] Turkey #1065802
i updated...
Возраст: 34
: Lublin, Polska
С нами с 10.03.09
Посты: 3776
15.07.11 18:42 [Re: rotsonne] Ukraine #1065808
I banned you.
Now waiting for a response
С нами с 15.07.11
Посты: 4
15.07.11 18:46 [Re: Apache] Turkey #1065810
i know you have banned me. i explained the situation above , as i said i didnt know a rule about destroyed apc with incendiary. i always throw incendiary to apcs in every server and any admin hasnt warned me , this isnt allowed etc.
Возраст: 43
С нами с 23.06.09
Посты: 10619
15.07.11 19:19 [Re: rotsonne] Ukraine #1065840
  • rotsonne :
i know you have banned me. i explained the situation above , as i said i didnt know a rule about destroyed apc with incendiary. i always throw incendiary to apcs in every server and any admin hasnt warned me , this isnt allowed etc.

read this: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f10-pr-bf2-general-discussion/92385-incendiary-grenade.html#post1514...
  • R-DEV Jaymz :

Incendiaries doing damage to armour is a bug. It's not intended at all. The only vehicles they should damage are trucks/jeeps.

For the record, everything in the current code dictates that they should do no damage to Tanks or APC's. But for some strange reason...they do. I can't understand it really.

so, use grenades against APC \ IFV \ TANK - bugs using

and then read it: http://forums.vbios.com/showtopic.php?tid/39643/
  • цитата:
0.1Any type of cheating / glitching / getting through the textures / tweaking / hacking / bug-using, which gives the player an unintended advantage in game, or using game bugs is FORBIDDEN and punishable by permanent ban without the right to appeal!

using Incendiary Grenade discussed many times on our forum, and the r-devs forum

Отредактировано zloy_bullet 15.07.11 19:23. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
Возраст: 43
С нами с 23.06.09
Посты: 10619
15.07.11 19:33 [Re: zloy_bullet] Ukraine #1065856
If you nevertheless expect mercy - wait for the verdict BadMad

p.s. while waiting, I recommend to learn the rules and forum
p.s.s. fast link to rules you can find in my signature

Отредактировано zloy_bullet 15.07.11 19:40. Причина редактирования: Причина не указана.
тренер - маньяк
: Caribbean Sea,Black Pearl
С нами с 16.02.07
Посты: 14282
18.07.11 11:15 [Re: rotsonne] Ukraine #1067431
That is your last chance.
Bug using is the hardest violation here(as a cheating glitching, getting behind the textures, so on.)
No more mercy for any violation.
Hope for your maturity.
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