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Пользователь Сообщение: Unban        (Тема#56641)
С нами с 20.07.11
Посты: 2
27.11.11 23:09 Lithuania #1178454
-2011-11-27 22:00-23:00
--You have been kicked from the server. Possible reasons : reserved slots, not joining any squads, using forbidden words, teamkilling, ect. Check the server rules for more information

Well I must to say that got ban again for no reason. Admin change map and when I tryed to join got this...
тренер - маньяк
: Caribbean Sea,Black Pearl
С нами с 16.02.07
Посты: 14282
01.12.11 15:35 [Re: DenisLTU] Ukraine #1182012
Check your previous topic.
And play only with that account.
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